All-natural Chest Congestion Remedies
Author: AlienWe all hate it when a cold takes over our bodies. There are millions of different types of colds that we can catch. However, most of the colds result in a painful feeling taking over our chests. This is known as chest congestion. The best way to describe what is going on in your body is that the mucus is becoming built up in your chest. This build up causes you to have discomfort in your chest and make it so that it is hard to breathe. You can also experience a difficult time in trying to cough up the mucus as well. Most people run out to purchase a remedy for this situation.
The most common cause of sinus and lung congestion is a cold or flu virus. Additionally, secondary bacterial infections that follow on the heels of colds and flus can be especially nasty, irritating the delicate lining in the respiratory tract. The mucus that causes the congestion is produced to protect that lining and wash away the infection.
Just when your child is getting over a cold or the flu, his temperature starts to climb and he begins to have coughing fits and spit up mucus. When you take him to the doctor, you're likely to hear one of those ''-itis'' words, which means something is inflamed.
In this case, the -itis is bronchitis, and it means inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the two large tubes that branch off the windpipe. Bronchitis can be caused by wayward bacteria from the throat or by the same virus that caused the initial cold or flu. As the lining of those tubes swells, mucus builds up. The heavy coughing is a sign that your child is trying to clear that mucus from his bronchial passages.
If the bronchitis is caused by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. If it's a viral infection, an antibiotic won't help, but there's a lot you can do to make your child more comfortable and maybe even get over it faster. Here are some home-remedy tactics that doctors recommend for both bacterial and viral bronchitis.
Home remedy
Natural remedies are great aliments to treat and cure common ailments. There are more treatments to treat the symptoms of chest congestion. A doctor visit isn't always necessary to visit when you can treat common ailments. These are natural remedy recipes have been handed down from generation to generation.
Home remedy #1: Onions have been a natural remedy for many common ailments. A sautéed and curried onion is the cure for chest congestion. Two onions, extra-virgin olive oil and curry powder are all you need to treat this aliment. The onions should be sliced thinly and sautéed in 1 teaspoon of curry powder with two tablespoons of the virgin olive oil.
This treatment isn't good on the breath. But it works wonders for the congestion. Just does sauté onions on a plate of rice help congestion? The secret ingredients in this treatment are the sulfur and querectin found in the onions. These two ingredients break up the mucus. What is the purpose of the curry powder in this recipe? The curry powder looses up the phlegm that associates with the chest congestion.
Home remedy #2: Hot tea isn't just to soothe the sore throat. For generations tea has been a treatment for aliments. What most do not is that hot tea is a soothing agent in treating chest congestion. The hot tea loosens and breaks up the mucus. Not only will it break up the mucus, it will moisten the throat.
Home remedy #3: Spicy foods are good to clear up sinuses and a stuffy nose. What most do not realize is that spicy foods break up the mucus of chest congestion. The hot spicy ingredients do wonders for those who are suffering from chest congestion.
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