Sunday, April 27, 2008

How to stay healthy and maximize your results on a low carb diet

We know that low carb dieting works, but did you know that nutritional
supplements can help it work better? First the basics on low-carb

Q: What are carbs?

Carbs (carbohydrates) are organic compounds that exist in foods as a sugar, a
starch, or a cellulose (a woody fiber). There are two kinds of carbohydrates:
Simple (refined) carbohydrates are “fast” sugars. They break down into sugar
fast in your system, and cause a rush of insulin to come to help process the
sugar, which then leaves your system unbalanced, with too much insulin. Simple
carbs like cake have been stripped of fiber and nutrients, then processed into
starchy, sugary foods like white breads, donuts, cookies, white rice, pasta, and
such. They sure help you gain weight! They can also lead to a dangerous
condition called metabolic syndrome, which can lead to diabetes and other
serious health problems.

Complex (unrefined) carbohydrates are “slow”
sugars. They break down into sugar slower in your system, and cause a slow
release of insulin, keeping a proper sugar-insulin balance. It’s harder for your
body to burn foods like brown rice and whole grains. These unrefined carbs also
make your body burn some fat for energy. These carbs give you slow, steady
source of energy.

Simple and complex carbohydrates are rated with
something called the Glycemic Index or GI. To find out more about the Glycemic
Index, click here.

Q: What does a low-carb
diet do?

A: A low carb diet (perhaps better named a low
simple-carb diet) strictly limits your carbohydrate intake, and forces your body
to burn mostly fat. It can do this because limiting carbs limits sugar. There is
less sugar to burn, so your body turns to all that extra stored fatto burn for
energy! That’s why you lose weight on a low-carb diet.

Be sure to ask a
doctor or health care professional if low-carb eating is a good choice for you.
Here are nutritional supplements from Botanic Choice that can benefit your
health during low carb dieting:

High Potency
Vitamin and Mineral Formula
makes sure you have all the basics for health.
It contains high amounts of Vitamins A, C, D, E, B-1, B-2 and B-12 for your
protection, plus 12 more important nutrients and minerals.

Vitamin C is
recommended in addition to a strong multivitamin, because C has proven
antioxidant protection. Vitamin C is water-soluble, so it needs to be replaced

Chromium GTF
has been shown to be part of the body’s “glucose (sugar) tolerance factor” and
this essential mineral can help promote fat loss while increasing lean muscle

is good for the important calcium-potassium balance in every

Super EPA Fish
gives you essential fatty acids known for keeping cardiovascular and
circulatory systems in the best health.

Round out your low carb dieting
program with a good fiber supplement like
Psyllium Husk
or Oat
and try to fit in at least 20 minutes of brisk exercise each day.

Visit Botanic
Choice to learn more about low carb dieting and more ways to lose weight simply
and effectively.

statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These
products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Consult your physician.

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